From a young age, I have always been interested in the aspect of color and design.  As an artist my interest in design began as an architectural designer, model, singer and actress.

Eventually evolving into designing my own jewelry line, Jewels by the C! My fascination with the ocean led me to residing in beautiful South Florida and becoming an ocean lifeguard in Boca Raton, Florida after moving from Boston, Massachusetts! Thus the inspiration for my jewelry line Jewels by the C.

My experience as a lifeguard impacted my life in so many ways especially leading to living a healthy lifestyle along with my love and appreciation for the ocean today. My jewelry designs are inspirations of my surroundings and travels throughout the world!

Designing jewelry is a form of mediation. Each piece is designed with love and appreciation.

Mission: My moments of creativity emerge from encounters inspired by the mystical sea and I prefer the hues of blues and greens and the gold and reds from sunsets and sunrises. 

Sketching designs in my journal, cutting the silver and watching each piece evolve from my imagination to paper into my hand is the beauty of designing jewelry and very fulfilling. 

Having experimented with many forms of jewelry design from bead embroidery which encompasses fabric, beads and the needle to silversmithing and conquering the torch while soldering the metal into magical designs!

Jewelry from the heart!...Carol Sherwood